Clubhouse Reservations & Usage Rules and Regulations

To reserve the clubhouse, please see your Red Rock portal.

Clubhouse Reservations & Usage Rules and Regulations

1. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the gym, clubhouse, or pool unattended without an adult resident present.

2. No pets are allowed in any of the facilities.

3. No wet bathing suits allowed in the clubhouse or gym.

4. The clubhouse can be reserved for private parties, gatherings, etc. by residents. For more on the particulars, see below under (Reserving the Clubhouse).

5. You need to know that the pool cannot be solely reserved for private pool parties. The pool must always be available to Grace Ridge residents.

6. If you plan to let your clubhouse guests use the pool during your party, you must abide by the guest policy as outlined in the pool rules. A household may host no more than a maximum of five (5) guests per day.

7. Residents must be present and are responsible for their guests at all times. Guest(s) may not enter the clubhouse before their accompanying resident(s) arrive, and guest(s) must depart when their accompanying resident(s) departs.

8. If you have reserved the clubhouse but find you cannot keep your reservation, PLEASE inform Red Rock Management at of the change in plans immediately.

Clubhouse Basics

1. The Clubhouse address is: 2815 Grace Church Road Salisbury NC 28147

2. The Clubhouse serves as a place where residents can hold their personal functions.

3. Use of the Clubhouse for commercial purposes is prohibited, unless pre-approved by the GRHOA Board of Directors.

4. There is a $30 fee to rent the clubhouse.

5. Access to the Clubhouse is only obtained by those residents who have a scheduled reservation (anything other than this is considered trespassing). 

Experience has taught us that this is the best way to protect and preserve the clubhouse, its contents, and the residents themselves.

6. Your dues must be current, and you must have an electronic key to reserve the clubhouse.

7. Clubhouse reservations will not be made before 8:00am. All reservations will end no later than 10:00pm and you must be out by 10:00pm sharp. No exceptions without board approval.

8. Use of the Clubhouse overnight is not permitted.

9. The WiFi (see document in portal)

10. There are approximately 38 folding chairs, 8 eight foot tables, 1 six foot table, and 1 round

Procedure for Reserving the Clubhouse

1. Log into your account on the Red Rock Portal and navigate to the Reservation Calendar located under the Reservation tab. Check the Reservation Calendar for open dates.

2. Once you are ready to make a reservation, navigate to Reserve Amenity located under the Reservation tab and click Reserve Now. Select your date and complete and submit the provided form.

3. You will receive an automatic email from Red Rock Management confirming receipt of your reservation request. This is not a confirmation of your actual reservation. You will receive a second email from Red Rock Management confirming your reservation along with instructions
for your rental reservation.

4. Only one reservation will be scheduled per day.

Reservation Day

1. Upon arrival the 1st thing you must do is fill out the form stating the condition you found the Clubhouse in. This is to advise The Board of any cleaning issues you had to deal with or any maintenance issues that need addressed. By filling out the form we can address any cleaning or
maintenance concerns.

2. Leave the clubhouse clean, follow the cleaning checklist provided.
3. Do not use tape, pins, glue dots, etc. on the walls.

4. Lock the doors to bathrooms from the clubhouse side and lock the front door upon leaving.

Leave the outside doors to bathrooms unlocked so that residents can use them.
5. Please note: this area is under 24 hour video surveillance.

Automatic Suspension of Clubhouse Usage Privileges

Three (3) month or up to permanent deactivation of key fob will occur for infractions listed below:

1. Destruction/vandalism of Grace Ridge HOA property clubhouse or otherwise).

2. Fighting or communicating threats.

3. Illegal drug use, disorderly conduct, or other illegal activity as deemed by state or local law.

4. No pets are allowed in the clubhouse.

Any and all applicable fees will be charged to the member in question for any destruction to Grace Ridge HOA property that has to be repaired, replaced, or cleaned. Criminal charges may also be filed where applicable.

*The Grace Ridge HOA board may amend the gym rules and regulations as conditions change and in order
to provide a safe environment.